Carpathian tea is a traditional Ukrainian tea made from various herbs, berries and medicinal plants that grow in the Carpathians and surrounding mountains. It has a unique taste and aroma, and also has useful properties. The main components of Carpathian tea can be:

Medicinal herbs: such herbs as rose hip, raspberry leaves, comfrey, chamomile, sage, linden and others are often used. These herbs have a variety of beneficial properties, including calming effects, supporting the immune system, and improving gastrointestinal digestion.

Berries and fruits: rose hips, strawberries, dried fruits and others can be added to Carpathian tea. They give tea a pleasant taste and smell, and also provide its vitamin and antioxidant component.

Mountain herbs: in some cases, Carpathian tea may contain special mountain herbs that grow in the high mountain areas of the Carpathians. These herbs have special properties, such as improving breathing, supporting the cardiovascular system and generally increasing the tone of the body.

Carpathian tea can be used as a soothing drink for relaxation and enjoyment, as well as a natural remedy for improving health and general well-being. It can be drunk hot or cold, adding honey or lemon to taste.