There are several types of chocolate based on the cocoa content and ingredients used in their production. Here are some common types:

  • Dark Chocolate: Dark chocolate is made from cocoa solids, cocoa butter, and sugar. It has a higher percentage of cocoa solids and a lower amount of sugar compared to other types of chocolate. Dark chocolate is known for its rich and intense flavor. It typically contains at least 70% cocoa solids, but can range from semi-sweet (around 35-60% cocoa solids) to extra dark (over 90% cocoa solids).
  • Milk Chocolate: Milk chocolate is made from cocoa solids, cocoa butter, sugar, milk powder or condensed milk, and sometimes vanilla. It has a creamy and sweet taste due to the added milk ingredients. Milk chocolate usually contains around 10-40% cocoa solids.
  • White Chocolate: White chocolate is technically not considered "chocolate" in the strictest sense, as it does not contain cocoa solids. It is made from cocoa butter, sugar, milk, and vanilla. White chocolate has a creamy and sweet flavor, with a smooth texture. It lacks the characteristic cocoa taste found in dark and milk chocolates.
  • Ruby Chocolate: Ruby chocolate is a relatively new type of chocolate that was introduced in 2017. It has a distinct pink color and a unique fruity and slightly sour flavor. Ruby chocolate is made from specific varieties of cocoa beans, and it does not contain any added color or flavor.
  • Couverture Chocolate: Couverture chocolate is a high-quality chocolate that contains a high percentage of cocoa butter. It is often used by professional chocolatiers and bakers due to its excellent melting and coating properties. Couverture chocolate has a smooth texture and is favored for its intense flavor.
  • Vegan or Dairy-Free Chocolate: Vegan or dairy-free chocolate is specifically made without any animal products or dairy ingredients. It is typically made using alternative plant-based milk such as almond milk, coconut milk, or rice milk. These chocolates cater to individuals who follow a vegan or lactose-free diet.
  • Sugar-Free or Stevia-Sweetened Chocolate: Sugar-free chocolates are made with sugar substitutes like stevia, erythritol, or other artificial sweeteners. These chocolates are suitable for individuals who need to limit their sugar intake due to dietary restrictions or health concerns.