Creating a porcelain cup with a hand-polished pebble-like texture on the inside involves a meticulous process. Here's a general guide on how it can be done:

  1. Raw Material Selection: The cup is made from high-quality porcelain, known for its premium quality and pristine white appearance.
  2. Shaping: The raw porcelain material is shaped into a cup, taking into consideration the design with the hand-polished pebble-like texture on the inside. This shaping process can be done manually or through automated means, depending on the manufacturer and design specifications.
  3. Drying: The formed cups are dried to remove moisture from the porcelain.
  4. Hand-Embossing: One of the crucial steps is the manual embossing of the inside of the cup with a pebble-like texture. This requires skilled artisans who meticulously create the desired texture by hand.
  5. Initial Firing: The cups are subjected to an initial firing at a high temperature, which makes them sturdy.
  6. Coating: Some cups may undergo glazing or coating with glass or ceramic to provide extra protection and shine.
  7. Final Firing: After the coating, the cups are fired again to complete the manufacturing process and further strengthen the material.
  8. Cooling: The cups are allowed to cool down after the final firing.
  9. Ornamentation and Decor: Decorative elements, such as hand-painted designs, may be added to the cups to enhance their appearance.
  10. Quality Check and Packaging: Each cup undergoes a thorough quality inspection to ensure it meets the required standards for quality and safety. Once approved, the cups are ready for packaging and distribution.

This process demands a high level of craftsmanship and attention to detail, especially during the hand-embossing step, which is essential for creating the pebble-like texture inside the porcelain cup.