Summer drinks made from herbal teas can be refreshing and delicious. Here are some ideas for summer drinks using herbal teas:

Lemon Mint Iced Tea: Brew your favorite herbal tea, such as mint or chamomile, and chill it. Add lemon juice, granulated sugar or natural honey for sweetness and fresh mint leaves for aroma. Serve with ice cubes.

Ginger tea with strawberries: Brew ginger tea according to your favorite recipe. Add fresh strawberries and a little honey for sweetness. Leave the drink to cool in the refrigerator, then serve with ice.

Sweet mint tea cocktail: Brew mint or other fresh herbal tea. Add a little agave or maple syrup, lemon juice, and orange juice. Shake in a blender with ice cubes for a refreshing cocktail.

Tea lemonade with lavender: Brew lavender tea and cool it. Add fresh lemon juice and a little honey for sweetness. Serve over ice and a few drops of lavender essential oil for fragrance.

Tea with fruit and basil: Brew a tea with a mixture of dried fruits, such as apples, apricots and pears. Add fresh basil leaves and a little honey for sweetness. Chill the drink and serve with ice cubes.