The exact date of the first syrup's appearance is unknown, but the use of syrups in culinary and medicinal practices has a long history.

Syrups are made by dissolving sugar in water or another liquid medium, often with the addition of aromatic and flavoring agents. They are used as sweetening agents and ingredients in beverages, sauces, desserts, and medicines.

One of the oldest known syrups is honey syrup. The use of honey as a sweetening agent in food and drink has a millennia-old history. Honey syrup has been used in various cultures around the world.

Syrups made from cane sugar or sugar beets were first documented in Ancient Egypt and Ancient Greece. In medieval Europe, different syrups, including rosemary syrup and other herbal syrups, were used in medicine.

Throughout history, humanity has developed and refined various syrups, incorporating new ingredients such as fruits, berries, spices, and other natural components. Syrups have become popular ingredients in preparing a wide range of dishes and beverages, and today we have a wide selection of syrup varieties available in the market.